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Prepare to Launch

Maternity Leave: Then and Now career critical conversation maternity leave susan rietano davey work + life balance May 08, 2024

You know those women who plan out their lives and everything goes pretty much according to schedule? Well, I’m not one of them. I’m an “accidental businessperson” who landed...

Creating A Rhythm for our COVID-19 Days inspiration susan rietano davey work + life balance Apr 08, 2020

After a year of hearing a continuous loop of “you’ll never look back” and “you’ll love it”, I still have a hard time recognizing the...

Find Your Tribe inspiration kelley biskupiak work + life balance Jan 16, 2019

When I launched my first business, Be You Bravely, after years of being a stay-at-home mom I was terrified. I was taking a leap of faith, pivoting from the world of education into an arena...

4 Tips for Kids to Help Their Moms Return to Work susan rietano davey work + life balance Nov 28, 2018

“What can I do to help?” These words spoken from young lips are music to any mother’s ears. I have four children, 22 nieces and nephews, and 9 godchildren, so the odds are...

Partners: a ‘must have’ for the working woman inspiration susan rietano davey work + life balance Oct 24, 2018

I began my career in Xerox Corporation’s executive training program, which, in the mid-80s, was reputed to be one of the top three executive training programs of the time. How I, an English...

Shine! kelley biskupiak work + life balance Oct 17, 2018

My first year as a teacher I had 29 students in my 3rd grade classroom. Seventeen of those students were the cutest, most high-energy boys you could ever encounter. The school district was...

Time to Pull the Trigger confidence kelley biskupiak work + life balance Sep 19, 2018

Raise your hand if you’ve had a conversation in your lifetime that would qualify more as a defining moment than a conversation. Yes? Then you will know exactly where I’m coming from...

Independence Day and an Empty Nest inspiration susan rietano davey work + life balance Jul 04, 2018

I am newly independent, but I’m not celebrating. On Monday, my husband Bob and I joined the ranks of empty-nesters when we dropped our son Luke off at the U.S. Military Academy at...

Let’s have a little convo shall we? work + life balance May 17, 2018

How are you feeling these days? Energized? Full of life? Ready to hit one out of the park? OR Maybe you are feeling just the opposite…Like you are on a treadmill that just won’t stop.


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