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Prepare to Launch

Purposeful, Powerful Pivots career career pivot susan rietano davey May 30, 2024

The Millennials (Gen Y) and their younger siblings, Gen Z, are shaking things up in the modern workplace, and I love it – which is a good thing, seeing as I’m mom to four of them. Not...

Maternity Leave: Then and Now career critical conversation maternity leave susan rietano davey work + life balance May 08, 2024

You know those women who plan out their lives and everything goes pretty much according to schedule? Well, I’m not one of them. I’m an “accidental businessperson” who landed...

How To Find Your Fit After a Career Break career job search skills Mar 29, 2022


In this masterclass in partnership with The Mom Project, learn our tried-and-true method for figuring out your career path.

Watch here: ...

The Alexa Problem career confidence inspiration job search skills susan rietano davey May 05, 2021

Alexa doesn’t live at our house. When we installed our Sonos sound system, we purposefully decided we could handle the ‘inconvenience’ of having to select a playlist on...

Stop Talking Small! career inspiration susan rietano davey May 01, 2019

About 18 years ago, two of the major insurers in our part of Connecticut instituted massive layoffs. Many highly-skilled, accomplished mid-level professionals were soon out on the street looking...

Recovering from Mom Guilt career confidence susan rietano davey Apr 24, 2019

I met my friend Anne Marie through her daughter, Nicole, a classmate of my son Jackson’s at Roaring Brook Elementary School. One day I ran into Anne Marie in the school parking lot minutes...

What It Takes To Succeed As An Entrepreneur career inspiration susan rietano davey Apr 16, 2019

Kelley and I are serial entrepreneurs. Prepare to Launch U is not the first business start-up rodeo for either of us. Creating something and being our own bosses is just what...

The Financial Case for Going Back to Work After a Career Break career susan rietano davey Apr 10, 2019

When I left Xerox Corporation to stay home with my firstborn Tucker, back in 1994, I was surprised about what I missed most about my work life. It wasn’t the familiar connection with clients...


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