Prepare to Launch
In this webinar, we teach how to masterfully craft your career story - career break and all - and confidently tell it.
Whether you believe it or not, your career story is interesting and...
When my goddaughter accepted her first job out of college, she was over the moon. A top performer from a top Jesuit university, she had graduated summa cum laude, with two public relations summer...
Alexa doesn’t live at our house. When we installed our Sonos sound system, we purposefully decided we could handle the ‘inconvenience’ of having to select a playlist on...
At Roaring Brook Elementary School, in my little suburban Connecticut town, a major rite of passage for second graders is Special Persons Day. Each student chooses one special person in their life,...
I met my friend Anne Marie through her daughter, Nicole, a classmate of my son Jackson’s at Roaring Brook Elementary School. One day I ran into Anne Marie in the school parking lot minutes...
“Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing for you…are the same”
There is such truth in this quote. Especially when it comes to making decisions that could change an aspect...
For years I bragged that whenever I chose to, I could jump back into the workforce. Who wouldn’t want an experienced marketing communications exec? I knew enough about social media and SEO to...
It’s Girl Scout cookie “close-out” season and I’m all in. Outside polling stations around the country last week, boxes of last year’s cookies were selling like...
Raise your hand if you’ve had a conversation in your lifetime that would qualify more as a defining moment than a conversation. Yes? Then you will know exactly where I’m coming from...
We have helped hundreds of women from across the country and we can help you,