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A complete course designed to get you back into the workforce.


Click Here to read our Student Testimonials
Click Here to see where PTLU graduates have landed



A complete online course designed to get you back into the workforce.



Prepare to Launch 



Prepare To Launch U’s Career Relaunch Course is a one-of-its-kind, comprehensive 10-week program taught live and online with a small cohort of other relaunching women just like you. It is designed to guide you through the unique challenges of re-entering the workforce after opting out.

It addresses you, the whole woman, your personal and professional sides, and provides the instruction, inspiration, and practical tools you need to relaunch successfully – all in a flexible format that fits your life, your schedule, and your goals.

Even the most accomplished women need help navigating their return to the rapidly changing workplace. Wherever you are on your journey, our Career Relaunch Course is your roadmap to success.

Don’t go it alone; let us be your guides.



Our Free Return-to-Work Readiness Assessment




Our Free

Return-to-Work Webinar



Prepare to Launch 






Let’s face it; if you’re here, you’ve given more than a passing thought to returning to work.

Maybe you're wondering where you fit in today's workplace: should you go back to what you left? would they take you? should you pivot into that new role or industry that seems interesting?

Perhaps you've been applying for jobs and can't seem to land an interview.

Or maybe you're getting in the door, but you don't know how to talk convincingly about that big gap in your career.

Whatever the case, you're probably feeling stuck. And here's why:

Without structure and support, most would-be career relaunchers get completely lost. They become paralyzed by the competing advice they read and hear - most of it unreliable. They’re intimidated by digital job search and networking tools. They lack clarity and confidence about what skills they offer and what work they can do - and they feel totally defeated when they realize that they’re going about it all wrong. As an already busy woman, you can’t afford to waste your time and energy doing it wrong.

And you don't have to! We, and our renowned Career Relaunch Course, are here to support and guide you every step of the way.

The Prepare to Launch U Career Relaunch Course is offered three times per year, Winter, Spring and Fall, by application.


The Course


With weekly live coaching and instructional calls, and ten modules of online learning, the Career Relaunch Course fully prepares you to return to the workplace.

First, you will uncover your values, strengths, skills, and much more to learn Who You Are Now.

Then, you will begin to define Where You Are Going, and identify (and develop strategies to overcome) What is Getting In The Way.

Ultimately, you will learn the skills (like networking, interviewing and negotiating), create the tools (like résumé, LinkedIn profile, and elevator pitch), and receive the emotional support and inspiration you need to successfully Relaunch!

Click below to take a look inside!

What You Get (So Much!)


  • A small group learning cohort of other relaunching women who will take the course with you and support you for the 10 weeks and beyond
  • Weekly live instructional and coaching calls (18+ calls over 10 weeks) with your cohort and Susan & Kelley
  • 44 professionally produced instructional videos accessed flexibly, online
  • Downloadable exercise files with activity sheets, templates, scripts, and more
  • Included membership in:
    ➤ our exclusive online Slack community so you stay engaged, motivated, and accountable every step of the way
    ➤ lifetime access to our graduate community where you will gain an instant network of women who have successfully navigated this process and are eager to help you!
    ➤ an extensive resume gallery of successful PTLU graduates so you can see exactly how to craft your resumé  
  • Access to a Graduate Program for ongoing coaching, lessons, and support from Susan & Kelley alongside other graduates.
  • You will walk away with:
    ➤ A clear understanding of who you are, where you fit, and how to get there
    ➤ A polished resumé and LinkedIn profile that boldly tells your unique and compelling story to a well-defined audience
    ➤ And the skills, strategy, and confidence to network effectively, interview successfully, and negotiate shrewdly.

Starting at $100/month

Other payment plans are available.


Investing in 

You and in Us 

is a big decision 

and you may be wondering:

What are the program’s results?

In a word, our results are exceptional.
Here is a sampling of where our recent Career Relaunch Course graduates have landed:

For answers to the other questions we hear most frequently, please visit our FAQ section.


And to hear what graduates have to say about our program, read our student testimonials here.


Let Us Be Your Guides!

Kelley Biskupiak and Susan Rietano Davey


We have spent a combined 40+ years helping women return to work after career breaks – and we’ve been those women, too!

As expert career coaches, you benefit from our decades of research and experience, and our conviction that EVERY woman can relaunch her career successfully – if she puts in the work.

But knowing what ‘work’ to do, is the challenge. It’s a lot more than just dusting off an old resumé and posting it online.

We know what works and have assembled our formulas for success into our course.

Are you ready to stop thinking about going back to work and start doing it?

Our current cohort is rolling up their sleeves,
doing the work, and preparing to launch.

If you'd like to apply for our next cohort, you can submit your application for our waitlist. The next 10-week session kicks off Fall 2024 and runs
September 23 - December 6th. 

Apply Now
Course Payment Options:

12 months


6 months


3 months


1 payment


We look forward to staying in touch! Sign up for email updates.  
Sign Up for Email Updates

In the meantime, try our low-cost, low-time commitment Starter Course!
And check out all of our career relaunch course offerings here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Investing in You and in Us is a big decision and you probably have some questions.

Here are the questions we hear most frequently (and their answers):