Do you need help navigating yours?
be your guides.
Prepare To Launch U is your one-stop source for instruction, inspiration, and community along the continuum of your work-life journey. If you are navigating your way through maternity leave and back or trying to design and negotiate a flexible work schedule that works best for your family and your career, we can help. Maybe you are looking to return to work after a career break, making a mid-career pivot, or planning your next chapter in an Encore career; we can help. Or perhaps you want to educate and inspire your management team or workforce to improve organizational and transitional effectiveness. We can help with that, too.

As career women and moms, too, co-founders Kelley and Susan have been helping women navigate work-life transitions for a combined 40 years.
LEARN MORE ABOUT THEM HEREAre you a woman returning to work after a career break?
Learn about our Career Relaunch Course Offerings
RETURN TO WORK COURSESAre you an expectant mom planning your maternity leave and return?
Let us help you tell your boss
Download our "How To Tell Your Boss You're Pregnant" PDFAre you a business leader looking for work-life experts to inspire and educate your workforce?
Learn about our Speaking & Training Expertise
Download our "Speaking & Training Deck" to Learn MoreSusan and Kelley
have been featured guests on, contributors to, and/or invited speakers at: